Last night, I spent a few hours in some flatwoods ponds after a much needed day of rain. I was pleasantly surprised to find eight herp species, with five that were actively calling. The two frog species below were new species for me.
Ornate Chorus Frog (in brown phase; this was the only Ornate Chorus Frog I heard all night, and it took a long time to track him down)
Southern Chorus Frog (Pseudacris nigrita)
Cottonmouth (out of water on a cool night made this a pretty docile snake)
Nipmuck Trail Marathon
5 years ago
1 comment:
I returned to the chorus frog location shortly after these photos were taken. There were many Southern Chorus Frogs singing, and no Upland Chorus Frogs. All the individuals I saw were Southerns. Though relatively unmarked, even compared to others seen at the location, I believe this to be a Southern Chorus Frog.
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