
Mimic Glass Lizard and other highlights

Mimic Glass Lizard (Ophisaurus mimicus)

Mimic Glass Lizard (Ophisaurus mimicus)

Mimic Glass Lizard (Ophisaurus mimicus)

Mimic Glass Lizard (Ophisaurus mimicus)

Mimic Glass Lizard (Ophisaurus mimicus)

Mimic Glass Lizard (Ophisaurus mimicus)

Fernald's Pogonia (Pogonia bifaria)
Fernald's Pogonia (Pogonia bifaria)
Checkered beetle (Trichodes apivorus) on pipewort (Eriocaulon sp.) blossom 
Pricklypear (Opuntia humifusa)
Showy Milkwort (Polygala violacea)
melanistic Eastern Hognose (Heterodon platirhinos)
melanistic Eastern Hognose (Heterodon platirhinos)


Unknown said...

Whoa-where did that lizard come from?

Kelly said...

Brandon spotted it in some wiregrass near a large flatwoods pond. After multiple times of losing it in the vegetation, we eventually found it and got a clean catch. It's within a couple miles of John Jensen's older record, and my recent DOR. Hope you've been well!