I recently had the opportunity to do some dip-netting for larval Flatwoods Salamanders (Ambystoma bishopi) with amphibian folks that I work with. I didn't catch any, but they caught a total of four. This species appears to have a precarious existance with only a relatively few small populations still in existance. If I'm really lucky, maybe some day I'll get to see an adult.
This salamander was also caught. I believe it is a larval Dwarf Salamander (Eurycea quadradigitata).
Some other things I've gotten to see in the past few days include this Spring Peeper (Pseudacris crucifer)...
a few Southeastern Slimy Salamanders (Plethodon grobmani)
another adult secreting "slime" that can be seen especially on tail when photo is blown up
juvenile with more densely marked gold flecking than older individuals
...and many Southern Toads (Bufo terrestris), which I like even if they're common.
Wild Azalea Trail Marathon
1 week ago